Once upon a time in KMLA, there was a boy who thought he was really good at singing, but actually wasn't. Every night, he tortured the ears of his roommates with his terrible singing, but the roommates were so gentle and kind that they weren't able to tell the truth. And one day, he happened to... (written by Seung Min Kim)
try audition for the Minjok Festival. The boy sang proudly in front of the festival planners. The planners hated his singing, but they were just too kind to reject him. So they decided to put him as a substitution, so that if the other singers happen to be sick he would take their place. The boy was disappointed and swore to do anything to sing at the Minjok Festival. ANYTHING. (Written by Sungwoo Bae)
He ran to the giant hall and started to run towards the top of the Duck-Go Mountain. He fell to his knees and tears were flowing down his cheek. Performing in front of all the students and teachers in KMLA was one of the biggest dreams he had. This was in part because he wanted to be recognized by his fellow comrades but more importantly, he was eager to show his musical "prowess" to his lover, Mary. Suddenly he felt someone's hand being put on his shoulder. "Don't be too depressed. Life is like a box of chocolates. When you open the box, juicy opportunities will be provided for you." (Written by Seung Jun Juny Kim)
He whirled around but saw nothing. The voice said,
"I am the phantom of NAB. I will make you the best singer in KMLA. You will find me under the Dasan Building. Go to Dasan building and put your head on the coffee machine."
The boy went to Dsan building and stood in front of the coffee machine. He put his hand on, and the machine took him inside, falling into the depths of Earth. (Written by Kang Gun)
Urgh. This is a mess. I will make sure that I modify the content and the structure so it would be appropriate for a meta fiction.